Saturday 6 February 2010


In this brief I want to explore some of the ideas posed by masters of photography such as, and amongst others, Ansell Adams and Faye Godwin, as an untouched form, which I will look at in the Wilderness or Countryside unit. I also want to create a mini series or book of images for my Familiar or Significant Place which may contain duplicate images from this unit along with new ones connected to the Alien or Foreign Environment in order to make a complete series of images that form a coherent set.
As part of my research I read an essay entitled The Landscape of Disappointment, by David Chandler, in which he describes his journey back to a council estate where he grew up, drawn he says, "by the magnet of memories" and wearing clouded rose tinted glasses. He describes how he comes across a cherry blossom tree, which his mother had planted 20 years earlier, which he didn't expect to see, because he had forgotten it, and finding it an almost surreal experience. To me, this seems to describe the idea of re-looking at something and seeing the unexpected.
For my City or Urban Sprawl, I will be looking at Liverpool, and its major landmark buildings which may define it as the city it is. Planning a series of shots around those.

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