Friday 5 February 2010

PEOPLE - The Corporate Portrait Introduction

The Corporate Portrait - Introduction

I began looking at Corporate Portraits by going straight to most photographed corporate family in the world today, The American President, his campaign, his government and his family.
Above Left : Macmillan Nurses (from the official Macmillan website)
Above Right: Chairman of ICI (from the Telegraph website)
Peter Souza is the official photographer to the White house and in this capacity as a Photojournalist, takes Corporate Photographs for public impression. This type of photojournalism is used to raise public awareness of such campaigns through a mixture of ongoing images of the day to day work of the subjects, but also to raise their corporate image.

You can view Souza's work and his gallery of images at the following link.

However, most usually, Corporate Portraiture is used by Business and Industry to promote its employees, or to promote an individuals profile to the public. For example; the chairman of ICI may want a strong public image to match the view that he is head of a powerful company. Alternatively, a Macmillan nurse may wish to be projected as a kind, caring and safe pair of hands.
Photographic Companies who specialise in a variety of corporate photographic services include, Ede & Ravenscroft, who specialise in schools, universities and legal portraits.
Individuals range from the likes of David Bailey, Annie Leibowitz and Mario Testino to Self made photographic individuals, who number many on the world wide web. Corporate Photography is a competitive business, and only the select few who make it to the very top get to photograph the leading people in the world.

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