Friday 5 February 2010

Environmental Portraiture - Introduction

Environmental Portraiture

Environmental Portraiture is used to illustrate a person within their environment, be it the working environment, or another place where they are such as a Yachtsman on a Yacht etc. It is important that the environment is seen, and equally important that the person is well placed within it. The one being at home with the other and as much a part of each other. My images of the Librarian work well because he has been in this environment for over 20 years, and seems a part of the furniture. These were taken on ISO 100, f5 and 1/125th second.

Other images include the women who are in their offices, which were taken using portable studio lighting on location. Images such as these may be used in company brochures or portfolios, and the working environment helps to place the people. It is important to be able to use Studio lighting on location for this type of work, and to be familiar with power packs, and health and safety, so that you do not put people at risk of tripping or any other hazards.

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