Friday 5 February 2010

People - The Human Condition

The Human Condition
This unit sets out to relate various genres of photography to what is termed The Human Condition.
As humans we are all obsessed with watching other humans and ourselves. We are also the only known species on the planet that are aware of our own mortality, and our own bodies and the things which happen to them. We are aware of injustices, feelings and emotions and the events which shape and change us throughout our lives. What makes us who we are and how we see and perceive life's events as they happen to us become the foundations of our Human Condition. In art and photography we strive to depict this by showing something of the human condition that may be apparent, but which you as the artist can highlight as your own perception of the state of things.
The human condition is explored further on the following web link and seeks to explain the term in more depth.

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