Friday 23 December 2011


Oranges, Helen Neylan, The Very Ordinary Organic Cookbook, Copyright 2011
Image by Helen Neylan 2011 Copyright
Sometimes when you are looking at a subject, it may be prudent to consider its natural shape or form and utilise it to your advantage. In the image , above, of oranges, I chose not to use the whole fruit or even the whole section of the fruit for my composition. With something as universal as an orange, ever single person who will see this image will know instantly what it is. So I chose to show a small section against a steel background indented with small circles. The edge of the fruit is in sharp focus. Taken with a digital camera on f11 at 1/8th second in natural daylight.
The second image, left, was taken using a Large format Cambo with film. Whilst the quality of the image is pleasing, I personally prefer the image above in terms of composition, as it leaves more to the imagination.

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