Friday 23 December 2011


FOCUS is critical to the end result of your images. By way of an exaggerated example, compare the following two images of an arranged group. The first, here, below left, was taken using a Nikon digital SLR (D80), using f16 / 125th second with natural daylight and a tripod. The lens is focused across the back 2 thirds of the image with the front plane blurring. This emphasises that this is a group and to be considered as such by the viewer.
Greens, Helen Neylan, The Very Ordinary Organic Cookbook, Copyright 2011

 The second image, below right, was taken using a Large format Cambo with film, using the same settings and allowing extra exposure time for reciprocity failure. However, when using this type of camera, not only is the image upside down, but it is back to front as well (right to left). This makes focusing quite a difficult task as it can be hard to get just right. With  the key part of the image out of focus, the whole meaning is lost.
Image Copyright Helen Neylan 2011

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