Thursday 15 December 2011


During this module I have also tried the Hassleblad 503X Medium Format Camera with the digital back. However, in the absence of any suitable lenses ( only one available was a landscape lens), the work would prove unsuitable, as I required close up and shallow depths of field work. However, using my Medium format Bronica would have been a reasonable compromise had the Large Format Cambo not been available.
Medium Format Hasselblad 503 cx

Medium Format Zenza Bronica

More Information about Hasselblad can be found at the following link:
More information from Zenza Bronica is sadly unavailable from the manufacturer as they are no longer in business.

I did manage to create one image using the Hasselblad, (below), which as you can see has errors of focus.
Turks head squash, H. Neylan, Copyright 2011
Image capture: Hasselblad 503cx, Medium Format with Digital back
f16, 2 sec. Natural Daylight 

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