Friday 21 May 2010

PLACES - The City or the Urban Sprawl

I really like these views of some of the iconic buildings around the City. The India port buildings are colossal in size, and recognised the world over as being the city port of Liverpool. The image of the Liver Bird Building is one which I have chosen as a final image since I like the composition, the white of the building against the blue sky, and the red city buses which creates a great composition overall. This was taken on ISO 400, 31mm focal length, 1/200th second and f20. The first image shows the views down from India buildings to St Georges Hall, The second shows the view from the steps of the Catholic cathedral down Hope Street to the Anglican Cathedral, the last image show the post office tower from the steps of the Anglican. These type of images could be used in travel promotions and public or community brochures or websites.

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