Monday 1 March 2010

Contact Sheet - A Familiar Place that is significant or important to you

One place which is of significance to me is my place in Cyprus. This is the view from my roof, which I took using a tripod, and a Nikon D80 SLR. I used an 18mm Focal Length, and f22, and switched to manual focus on infinity. By keeping the horizon as the central point I went around in a full circle to get what will eventually become a panoramic image in a series of images about Cyprus.
You can make a contact sheet using Lightroom, but I made this one using Photoshop CS4, File/Automate/Contact 11.
For information about every technique in Photoshop, the book, "Photoshop CS3 for DUMMIES", by Peter Bauer is a MUST!
Creating a contact sheet allows you to review your images in one place and serves as a good discipline in the selection process.

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