Monday 1 March 2010

PLACES - Creating a Vintage Polaroid experiment

For Nostaligic effect

Amongst my city photos I came across an old car just dumped at the back of a falling down house. It wasn't the type of image I was looking for to describe the city or urban sprawl, but I liked the content anyway.

I chose to make this a sepia photograph since it adds to the idea of age, and then I looked up a process of how to create a simulated vintage Polaroid. You can find the process on the web link below. Although this is interesting for effect, in my final book I am going to use black and white in order that this image works with a series of others.
This image was originally taken using a Nikon D80 SLR, an 18-55mm short telephoto lens, ISO 800 and f22/125th second.

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