Thursday, 19 November 2009


This is an example of how you can use programmes such as Adobe Lightroom to manage your digital photo files. Here you can import your images to a folder and then you can view them all at the same time, which allows you to pick which ones you want to use or work on. You can make changes to your work such as altering the tone, exposure, clarity, colour etc, providing that you have taken the picture using RAW - which means that you have all the data present as when the photograph was taken. When you take pictures in Jpeg the camera compresses the image thus removing some of the data, so you can't make changes at a later date.
Once you have made the changes you then export your work back into a file on your computer, and then you can open your images in photoshop. When saving work for publishing in your web page, they need to be in 72 dpi, so that they are not too big for viewing on screen. But this also renders them fairly unusable should any one want to illegally copy them!

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