Monday 18 January 2010


Snow presents it's own unique exposure challenges, since it acts like one great big reflector. Using a grey card to correctly establish your exposure level through the cameras meter is a good idea, or if in doubt bracket.

Sunday 17 January 2010


This is my final image which I have submitted to the AOP Student Awards competition 2010. It is a macro shot of a pine cone, which is also one one my final images for my Objects brief.
The AOP is a professional body which represents and recognises the field of photography in all its genres. To find out more about the organisation you can click on the link below.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

History of Image

This is a snapshot of the Timeline that I am working on for History of Image. I am creating a document using Adobe Photoshop CS4 and adding layers of images with text to make one larger piece of work.

Friday 8 January 2010


I chose to take a pack shot for my commercial image. As I am interested in food photography, I decided on the Classic food of the season and added the extra fruit and nuts to create the impression of luxury. I also decided that the black background would enhance the overall shot. The use of carefully placed reflectors and lights overhead was imperative to cut down reflections on the packaging, since it is important that the viewer can see the name clearly.


I used the available daylight at Magic Hour to take this image in Germany where I knew there would be snow, which ended up covering the UK anyhow.

OBJECTS - Madonna

I have linked my pieces for the Objects brief with the theme of Christmas. For this image I wanted to create a Rembrandt style take with an artwork theme. This could have a commercial use in the card industry.

OBJECTS - A Diamond's not just for Christmas...

I took this image of a shiny diamond as part of my final images for the Objects brief, using a macro lens, and diffused overhead daylight through glass. I like the way the whole image has got areas of soft drop focus, but also sharp contrast of blacks and whites that are in sharp focus.